The term fit out means to design interiors for any occupation and it starts with developing the main structure which is done by the developer and then giving final finish to the office that’s almost ready.
These office fit out companies solely work for decorating and designing workspaces and this is what they are specialized in. Office fit out companies are typically known to offer their services to the targeted audience only which is businessmen, dealers, shopkeepers, outlet holders etc. While one the other hand, interior fit out companies are there to offer services to all this is why they design interiors of houses, churches, offices, schools, functions, birthday parties and malls and also assist with JAFZA approval.
The customers availing the services of fit out companies need to tell an approximate bugdet they can afford and then the companies plan accordingly. These companies offer the services to middle class as well as to elite class people. When people get to shift to a new house, get a baby girl/ baby boy or be it for any reason they contact such companies and get their living area set according to their own desires since not everybody is creative and being creative is itself a unique talent. Interior fit out means installation of floors, ceilings and partition in the same building etc. but as the name indicates it only decorates the internal atmosphere not the exterior one usually.
They get their projects done timely. People usually complain them that the company designed their house etc. not as beautifully as they designed the house of the other but this depends entirely on the theme, nature and budget of the customers. Obviously people who have set higher approximate budget will have a more luxurious interior designed than the ones who had kept a normal budget.
Secondly, if a person orders these companies to design a room for his/her daughter then it will be designed with probably a pink theme that would indicate it belongs to a girl. Frames would also have unicorns or barbie’s pictures in them and the decorations will be light. A dressing table would be there with vanity lights and with jars to hold lipsticks, mascara and eyeliners in place.
On the other hand if the room is being designed for a boy, it would have frames or probably stickers of Spiderman, have rackets in the corner. A punching bag would be hanging off the ceiling. You can judge for yourself how opposite these two are to each other according to the nature and theme of the room. See here more details in this regard.
What are fit out companies?